Monday, January 14, 2019

Five Signs Your Car Battery Is Dead (Or About To Die)

Crank or NO Crank?

So you have put in the car keys and are all set to take the scenic route in bicester. But alas, the engine just won't turn on! The car key has tried all that it could have possibly done but the car engine just won’t budge. Clearly, it needs the hands of an expert mechanic for repair. However, if the engine has been working fine till now and it is only this instance that you have encountered the trouble with engine not starting, it is quite possible that the car battery is to be blamed and not the engine. More than 90% of the time the sole reason for this problem is the car battery. Jump starting your vehicle may sound like an expedient option at that time but it will not be a coherent solution. 

 Battery Fluid Level

As is the case with inverters that are a daily life necessity, the fluid level in car batteries too has to be maintained. This fluid (for any battery), commonly known as acid, is what must be maintained at optimal level to avoid corrosion. The negative plate, which is “lead”, is the concentration of sulphuric acid and reacts to the positive plate dioxide. The maintenance of this fluid is imperative.

If the battery becomes fully discharged, both plates are altered as they become coated with lead sulphate and the electrolytes convert to water.

Voltage of The Battery

10.5 volts is the voltage that marks a battery dead. Check the battery using a multimeter and note the voltage; if the battery has discharged beneath the 10.5 volts mark the battery is dead and ready to be replaced. Even while trying to charge the battery to its maximum capacity it may not sustain the charge. Jump start may become redundant at this point, the gradual erosion of the battery fluid will cause the battery to deteriorate. The ad-hoc vigorous attempt to artificially make the battery workable could render the battery deplored.

For troubles with Batteries Bicester has Phillips Tyres as the master solution provider. Call now!

Dependant Systems

For various cars, the system is designed such that the key coming within vehicle proximity of the vehicle triggers the Headlights and Doors. Also, equipments such as radio and alarm are directly connected to the car battery. However, Headlights and Doors are still the most prominent systems that are dependant on the car batteries. If the doors or (and) headlights are not highlighted it could mean the car batteries require changing.


Drainage/battery leak due to several luxurious options is what can cause the battery to deplete sooner than expected. To check drainage, check the systems that are dependant on battery and are acting as a parasite. These systems, such as bulb in the glovebox, trunk light, alarms, stereos etc. are just like background apps on your cellphone; they continue consuming battery in the background and are efficient, but by no means contribute towards operations productivity.